Keyword - word or phrase which implies a certain mindset or demand that targeted prospects are likely to search for. Long tail and brand related keywords are typically worth more than shorter and vague keywords because they typically occur later in the buying cycle and are associated with a greater level of implied intent.

Keyword / Keyword Phrase – A specific word or combination of words that a searcher might type into a search field. Includes generic, category keywords; industry-specific terms; product brands; common misspellings and expanded variations (called Keyword Stemming), or multiple words (called Long Tail for their lower CTRs but sometimes better conversion rates). All might be entered as a search query. For example, someone looking to buy coffee mugs might use the keyword phrase “ceramic coffee mugs.” Also, keywords – which trigger ad network and contextual network ad serves – are the auction components on which PPC advertisers bid for all Ad Groups/Orders and campaigns.

keyword cannibalization -  The excessive reuse of the same keyword on too many web pages within the same site. This practice makes it difficult for the users and the search engines to determine which page is most relevant for the keyword.

Keyword Density - An old measure of search engine relevancy based on how prominent keywords appeared within the content of a page. Keyword density is no longer a valid measure of relevancy over a broad open search index though. When people use keyword stuffed copy it tends to read mechanically (and thus does not convert well and is not link worthy), plus some pages that are crafted with just the core keyword in mind often lack semantically related words and modifiers from the related vocabulary (and that causes the pages to rank poorly as well). keyword density The percentage of words on a web page which are a particular keyword. If this value is unnaturally high the page may be penalized.

Keyword Funnel - The relationship between various related keywords that searchers search for. Some searches are particularly well aligned with others due to spelling errors, poor search relevancy, and automated or manual query refinement.

Keyword Research - The process of discovering relevant keywords and keyword phrases to focus your SEO and PPC marketing campaigns on

Example keyword discovery methods:

  • using keyword research tools-looking at analytics data or your server logs
  • looking at page copy on competing sites
  • customer feedback
  • placing a search box on your site and seeing what people are looking for
  • talking to customers to ask how and why they found and chose your business
  • keyword research The hard work of determining which keywords are appropriate for targeting.

Knowledge Carousel

Knowledge carousels, alternatively known as knowledge graph carousels, display lists of knowledge graph entities in a carousel format at the top of Google results.

Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base system created and set of new richer features from Google first announced in May 2012. Knowledge Graph results provide structured and detailed information about topics.

Knowledge Vault

The Knowledge Vault is a knowledge base project by Google that encompasses over 1.6 billion facts that have been collected from the internet.

Keyword Stuffing

Adding irrelevant keywords, or repeating keywords beyond what is natural, to a webpage in the hopes of increasing search rankings. This spam tactic is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can result in a manual action.

Knowledge Graph

An entity database Google uses to surface facts and information on people, places, and things (a.k.a., entities) – and their connections – in a Knowledge Panel or carousel at the top of search results on relevant queries.

Knowledge Panel

A box that appears at the top of, or on the right rail (desktop only), of Page 1 of Google’s search results for relevant queries. This panel contains facts and information on people, places, and things, as well as links to related websites or Google searches.


Stands for key performance indicator. A measurement method businesses use to gauge whether marketing and business objectives, targets, and goals are being reached.

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