
Is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. If you’ve ever used rich snippets, you’ll understand exactly what schema markup is all about.


Web scraping or web data scraping is a technique used to extract data from web documents like HTML and XML files.

Search Engine

Search Engines are programs that search the web. Web is a big graph with the pages being the nodes and hyperlinks being the arcs. Search engines collect all the hyperlinks on each page they read, remove all the ones that have already been processed and save the rest. The web is then searched breadth-first, i.e. each link on page is followed and all the hyperlinks on all the pages pointed to are collected but they are not traced in the order obtained. Automated search is the service that is provided by Search engines. An automated search service allows an individual to find information that resides on remote computers. Automated search systems use computer programs to find web pages that contain information related to given topic. It helps to locate

  1. webpages associated with a particular company
  2. Webpages that contain information about a particular topic
  3. Webpages that contain information about a particular product.

Ex.: Google, Yahoo, Yandex, DuckduckGo

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art of optimizing a website so that it can rank well within search engine results pages. SEO has been a common activity of website owners for years now. Although search engine optimization still remains largely a mystery to many webmasters and bloggers, its basic concepts have been, and still are, fairly simple.

Search Console

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art of optimizing a website so that it can rank well within search engine results pages. SEO has been a common activity of website owners for years now. Although search engine optimization still remains largely a mystery to many webmasters and bloggers, its basic concepts have been, and still are, fairly simple.

Search engine friendly (SEF) URLs

human-readable or clean URLs are URLs that make sense to both humans and search engines because they explain the path to the particular page they point to. Since version 1.5, Joomla! is capable of creating and parsing URLs in any format, including SEF URLs.

Search operators

(sometimes referred to as a search parameter) is a character or string of characters used in a search engine query to narrow the focus of the search. 

Search visibility

Is the percentage of clicks we estimate you receive based on your organic rankings positions, across all of the keywords you're tracking in your campaign. Search visibility is one of the first metrics you'll see in your campaign Dashboard. 

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

Stands for Search Engine Results Page and SERP Analysis is the process of analyzing the top web pages that rank for a specific keyword or topic. SEO and marketing professionals use this information to determine the difficulty level of ranking for a Google search.

Search History

Record of your searches on any search engines that is used to personalised your browsing experience. 


 Are hyperlinks to website subpages that appear under certain Google listings in order to help users navigate the site. The site owner cannot add any sitelinks; Google adds them through its own secret automated algorithms.If you have a Google Adwords program you can create campaign and ad group level site links.


Is a way of organizing a website, identifying the URLs and the data under each section. Previously, the sitemaps were primarily geared for the users of the website. However, Google's XML format was designed for the search engines, allowing them to find the data faster and more efficiently.

Static / HTML Sitemap

Allows site visitors to easily navigate a website. It is a bulleted outline text version of the site navigation.

Social Media

Social media is the group of online interchanges channels committed to network based info, communication, content-sharing and coordinated effort. Sites and applications devoted to gatherings, microblogging, social systems administration, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the various sorts of social media.


 Is the use of messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.


is a program that visits Web sites and reads their pages and other information in order to create entries for a search engine index. 

Split Testing

(Also referred to as A/B testing or multivariate testing) is a method of conducting controlled, randomized experiments with the goal of improving a website metric, such as clicks, form completions, or purchases.

SSL Certificate

 Is a standard security protocol for establishing encrypted links between a web server and a browser in an online communication. The usage of SSL technology ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and browser remains encrypted.

An SSL certificate is necessary to create an SSL connection. You would need to give all details about the identity of your website and your company as and when you choose to activate SSL on your web server. Following this, two cryptographic keys are created - a Private Key and a Public Key.

Structured data

Is website data that has been organized into a formatted repository, typically a database, so that its elements can be made addressable for more effective processing and analysis. A data structure is a kind of repository that organizes information for that purpose.

Stop Word

Which are filtered out before or after processing of natural language data (text). For SEO purposes, these are extremely commonwords that most search engines skip over in order to save space in their databases, and to speed up the process of crawling/indexing.


Is a division or alias of your domain that can be used to organize your existing website into a separate site. Typically, subdomains are used if there is content that is distinct from the rest of the site. Subdomains are indicated by the section to the left of the root URL.

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